Global Biodiversity Score : update 2021
Establishing an ecosystem of stakeholders to measure the biodiversity performance of human activities

Cahier Biodiv’2050 n°18

Sommaire de la publication

1. Key concepts of the GBS and its ecosystems
1.1 Brief history of the Global Biodiversity Score®
1.2 The GBS ecosystem
1.3 Pressures covered by the GBS
1.4 Accounting for stocks and flows of impacts
1.5 Key data companies should report
1.6 Linkages of the GBS with the EU taxonomy

2. Update on methodological developments
2.1 Consolidation approaches and Scopes
2.2 Oil & gas CommoTool
2.3 ProductTool
2.4 Impacts combination
2.5 Dependencies to biodiversity

3. Case studies
3.1 EDF
3.2 Schneider Electric

4.     FAQ
4.1 How to interpret results by data quality tier provided by the GBS?
4.2 Do I need a GBS licence to use the tool?
4.3 Do I need to be trained to use the GBS?







The GBS brings biodiversity closer to businesses concerns by enabling decision-makers to take it into account

What are the options to reduce the on-site and value chain-related biodiversity impacts of a business?How can financial institutions assess the physical and transition risks related to the biodiversity impacts of their activity and that of the businesses they finance? Can businesses set science-based quantitative targets to reduce their impact on biodiversity as they do for climate?

The Global Biodiversity Score (GBS) is a corporate biodiversity footprint assessment tool which seeks to answer these questions. It assesses the biodiversity impacts of economic activities across their value chain, in a robust and synthetic way. It is developed with the support of about 40 businesses and financial institutions gathered in the Business for Positive Biodiversity Club (B4B+ Club) and through collaborations with academics, NGOs and other corporate biodiversity footprint initiatives.

This 2021 update describes key concepts of the GBS and its ecosystem, provides explanatory visuals for the GBS pressures and accounting system and lists key data companies should report. It transparently describes the latest technical developments, shares the results of two more « case studies »: a road test conducted by EDF and the simplified description of a full-scale assessment by Schneider Electric. It also completes the existing FAQ with more common questions about the GBS.



Marc Abadie

CDC Biodiversité Chairman
Sylvie Goulard

Sylvie Goulard

Deputy Governor of the Banque de France